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A Commercial Pilot Certificate represents the level of piloting expertise for a pilot who intends to fly for hire. The expectations include a Commercial Pilot level of knowledge, advanced maneuvers with an emphasis on coordination and precision, and the skills to operate a complex airplane.


A Pilot who intends to fly professionally will seek the Commercial Pilot Certificate as a requirement to practice the profession. A business or recreational flyer will seek the Commercial Pilot Certificate for a higher level of safety and proficiency as well as lower insurance rates, especially in complex airplanes.


Instructional Areas Covered

1- Preflight Preparation and procedures

2- Airport Operations

3- Takeoffs, landings and go-arounds

4- Performance maneuvers to include lazy eights, chandelles, steep turns (50 degrees bank) and steep spirals 

5- Ground Reference Maneuvers to include 8's on pylons 

6 - Slow Flight and stalls

7- Navigation

8- Emergency Operations to include emergency descents, emergency descent to landings, systems and equipment malfunctions

9- High Altitude Operations

10- Post Flight Procedures


Commercial Multi- Add on to include:

1- Multiengine Operations

- engine failure before takeoff

- engine failure after takeoff

-approach and landing w/ inoperative engine

- maneuvering w/ inoperative engine

-Vmc demonstration

-Instrument approach and landing (single and dual engine)


​Aeronautical Experience Required (61.129 (a)(b)))


Single Engine

-250 hr that must consist of 

100 hrs PIC

(i) 50 hrs in airplanes

(ii) 50 hrs cross country

20 hrs of training on the areas listed in 61.127

(i) 10 hrs simulated instrument 

(ii)10 hrs complex airplane OR TAA

(iii) One 2 hr daytime cross country with 100nm legs

(iv) One e hr night cross country with 100nm legs

(v) 3 hr check ride prep within the preceding 2 calendar months

10 hrs solo or with an instructor in a single engine land airplane as the duties of PIC

(i) One cross country flight of over 300 nm with landings at 3 points. One leg must be 250nm from the original departure point. 


Multi Engine

-20 hrs of training in areas listed in 61.127(b)(2)

-all cross country flights from Commercial single engine must be redone in a multi if not preformed in the 10 hrs complex time

-10 hrs solo or with an instructor as duties of PIC


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