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Sean Anderson

Throughout high school, I was asked several times by teachers and parents on what I wanted to do when I was older. For most of my life I had no clue what I wanted to do, until I had to write a paper in my sophomore year of high school on what I want to be when I was older. In the back of my mind I felt the need to research more about how to become a pilot. After doing some research, I became so interested with the thought of flying that I decided it was going to be the right thing for me. After two years of thinking about becoming a pilot, I began my flight training halfway through my senior year of high school. When I first started my training, I was blown away by how difficult it was to understand everything you have to pay attention too while flying, but I still felt like I belonged doing this. My overall goal is to become an airline/ cargo pilot. I currently have my Private Pilots license which I received while flying with RiseAero, and I am now working on my Instrument license.


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